Storage without compromise:
When Performance is Not Enough

FADU is innovating the SSD Supply Chain to smooth out component supply variations, accelerate the time to market, and manage the risks of production ramp up. We offer several engagement models to fit the needs of our customers.

Your Design

Design your SSD with a FADU controller and customized firmware

FADU’s advanced controllers and customizable firmware are available to power your own SSD designs. Work with us to customize the firmware to make your solution unique.

Your Manufacturing

Use a Turnkey FADU solution to jump start production

FADU’s innovative supply chain model enables fast production ramp up with a turnkey SSD design, controller, customizable firmware, Bill-of-Materials, and technical support.

Use FADU Manufacturing

Private Label SSDs with Consigned FLASH

Minimize upfront manufacturing costs and shorten time to market by consigning your flash to FADU or using flash purchased by FADU.